Greetings WB neighbors! I am testing out this blog tool that comes as a feature of this HOA website. We'll see how it works in terms of usage and effectiveness. I hope it might serve a useful communication tool for residents and the HOA Board. I welcome any feedback or comments.
Welcome to Spring! Warm temps and the sound of yard machines are back. Our sincere thanks to all who work so hard making their yards beautiful. I know how much work it takes. We appreciate the effort each resident puts into making their property beautiful. All of WB benefits with the result of making our neighborhood such a pleasant, peaceful place to call home. Of course, lest we forget that a beautiful WB also helps keep our property values high.
Please reach out to our architectural review committee if you plan any property enhancements or upgrades. Click on the Committees link above.
Speaking of keeping it beautiful, we have really been struggling in finding a fence repair company that can provide an official quote for the fence repair on LBE. Apologies that has not yet been addressed. We'll continue to try and get that repaired.
More updates to come. Thanks Neighbor!
Blake Robertson
WB HOA Board